The Roger A. Freeman Eighth Air Force Research Center is dedicated to promoting research on Eighth Air Force history and to expanding its priceless collection of over 10,000 books significant to the history of the Eighth Air Force as well as original manuscripts, photographs, artifacts, works of art, oral history interviews and personal accounts.
The John H. Woolnough Library serves as the research center’s reading room. Of special interest is the research center’s collection of Eighth Air Force volumes, including all the published group histories. Most of these books are shelved in the John H. Woolnough Library.
Manuscript highlights include original diaries and letters as well as over 95,000 photographs.
Researchers may contact the Research Center staff to see what specific material is included in the collection. Requests to see material from the Special Collections or permanent collection requires completing the necessary paperwork. Please complete and submit the Access to Collections form and remember to bring a picture ID on the day of your visit. Two-weeks notice is required when requesting access to the collection.
The Roger A. Freeman Research Center is open
Tuesday – Thursday from 10 am – 12 pm and 1pm – 3 pm
Friday 10 am – Noon
You can also request library access at other times by appointment.